Post Apocalypto

Post-apocalypse movies have been a popular genre for decades, largely thanks to that 'Mad Max' movie that came out in 1979, a movie that defined the genre. These films depict what the world would be like after a catastrophic event, and how humanity survives or perishes in the aftermath. They often employ a distinct visual … Continue reading Post Apocalypto

The Carpenter

All artists are influenced by the previous generation of artists. Westerns were part of John Carpenter's cinematic diet growing up. John Ford, and Howard Hawks, these filmmakers were shaping cinema at the time, stamping out a movie language that would become the standard for anyone wishing the tell a story using cinema. A fan of … Continue reading The Carpenter

Star Wars

Star Wars: A Lost Hope

Now that this sad shit-show of a saga is over, the only thing we have left, is the thought, 'What if they did a decent sequel trilogy with a coherent story without the political rape that Disney inflicted upon this series?' How hard was it to produce something that remotely resembles a Star Wars story? … Continue reading Star Wars: A Lost Hope

Flash Gordon Saves the Universe

When Flash Gordon was 'again' resurrected back (thanks, Princess Aura for the first time) into pop culture by Seth MacFarlane in his film, Ted (2013), I was filled with bemusement and joy. Ever since that day, walking home from school and coming across the giant movie billboard, Mike Hodges's Flash Gordon has remained doggedly on my top ten … Continue reading Flash Gordon Saves the Universe