Panology of Science Fiction: B


Biology is a fascinating and diverse field of science that explores the living world and its interactions. Science fiction is a genre that uses biological concepts, themes, or elements to create imaginative stories, worlds, and creatures. Some aspects of biology that are commonly found in science fiction include evolution, disease, genetics, physiology, parasitism, and symbiosis.

Speculative Evolution

This is the idea of imagining how life forms could evolve in different scenarios, such as on other planets, in the distant future, or in an alternate history. Speculative evolution is often based on real biological principles and processes, such as natural selection, adaptation, and convergence. Some works that feature speculative evolution are H. G. Wells’s The Time Machine, Dougal Dixon’s After Man, and Wayne Barlowe’s Expedition.


This is the phenomenon of organisms being affected by harmful agents or conditions, such as viruses, bacteria, parasites, toxins, or environmental factors. A pandemic can be used as a plot device, a metaphor, a challenge, or a threat in science fiction stories. Some works that feature disease are Jack London’s The Scarlet Plague, Michael Crichton’s The Andromeda Strain, and Margaret Atwood’s Oryx and Crake.


This is the branch of biology that studies the inheritance and variation of traits in organisms, such as genes, chromosomes, DNA, and mutations. Genetics can be used to explore themes such as identity, diversity, ethics, and power in science fiction stories. Some works that feature genetics are Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, Frank Herbert’s Dune, and Orson Scott Card’s Ender’s Game.

This field of science is a given.

Even if the story doesn’t involve alien ecosystems, a near or far-future world is an undiscovered country of new manifestations of living things, human or otherwise. What have we so far found living on this planet?  Plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, slime moulds, archaea. From synthetic to quantum biology, the list of organisms that can be conjured up is endless.

Brian Aldiss

Aldiss demonstrated a keen interest in the natural sciences, particularly biology, and skillfully merged it with imaginative storytelling. His works often feature richly detailed biological worlds, where exotic and alien life forms interact with human characters. Aldiss seamlessly integrates biological concepts and principles, crafting intricate ecosystems, evolutionary processes, and symbiotic relationships that add depth and authenticity to his narratives.

Whether exploring genetic engineering, ecological systems, or the implications of human evolution, Aldiss’s use of biology in fiction goes beyond mere backdrop and becomes an integral part of the story. His adept portrayal of biological themes serves to emphasize the interconnectivity of life, the fragility of ecosystems, and the profound impact of scientific advancements on humanity. Aldiss’s ability to blend biology with speculative fiction showcases his skill in bridging the realms of science and imagination, leaving an indelible mark on the genre.

Udods, The Dark Light Years 

In the novel Non-Stop (also known as Starship), the Utods are mysterious and enigmatic creatures that play a significant role in the story’s atmosphere and underlying themes.

The Utods are described as massive, lumbering beasts that roam the corridors of the generational starship where the story takes place. They are unsettling and alien in appearance, adding an element of unease to the already claustrophobic setting.
While the Utods are not portrayed as fully sentient beings, they exhibit strange behaviour that suggests some level of intelligence or purpose. Their actions are inscrutable to the human characters, heightening their mystery.

The Utods can be interpreted as symbols of the larger, incomprehensible forces at work in the story. They embody the theme of humans grappling with a reality much larger than themselves—a hallmark of Aldiss’s storytelling.

Although the Utods are not central to the narrative, they contribute to the eerie and fragmented environment of the ship. They reinforce the idea that the starship is not just a vessel but a living ecosystem filled with strange, interconnected life forms.

The Utods, like much of the world-building in Non-Stop, serve to challenge the characters’ understanding of their environment. They represent the unknown—both in the physical sense of the unexplored ship and in the existential sense of humanity’s place in the universe.

In Non-Stop, Aldiss uses the Utods to deepen the sense of mystery and to subtly underscore the novel’s exploration of ignorance, discovery, and the boundaries of human understanding.


“Hothouse,” is set in a distant future where the Earth’s flora has evolved dramatically, and numerous unique and fascinating creatures inhabit the lush and perilous world.

Traversers: These are large, intelligent plants capable of moving and communicating with humans. They play a crucial role in the novel as characters interact and form alliances with them.

Symbiants: These creatures are a hybrid of animals and plants, combining the characteristics of both. They have the ability to photosynthesize and use their leaf-like appendages for camouflage and defence.

Bats: These bats have evolved into massive creatures, resembling pterodactyls, with a voracious appetite for the smaller creatures of the forest.

Mucoids: These slimy, amorphous beings inhabit the humid and murky depths of the forest. They possess a rudimentary intelligence and prey on smaller creatures that venture into their territory.

Sunflowers: Enormous sunflowers have evolved into towering, mobile entities. They possess rudimentary intelligence and serve as sentinels and protectors of the forest.

Fungi: Various types of fungi populate the forest, some of which are dangerous and deadly to humans. Others play a crucial role in the ecosystem, acting as decomposers and nutrient recyclers.

Carnivorous plants: There are numerous carnivorous plants throughout the forest, ranging from stationary varieties that lure in unsuspecting prey to mobile, aggressive ones capable of pursuing their targets.

Tummy-bellies: Small, slug-like creatures that serve as a primary food source for many of the larger creatures in the forest.

Helliconia Series

In Brian Aldiss’s “Helliconia” series, which consists of three novels set on a planet named Helliconia, there is a rich array of creatures that inhabit the planet’s diverse ecosystems.

Wutra Worm

The Wutra’s Worm is a colossal creature in the world of Helliconia, whose lifespan aligns with the vast cycle known as the Great Year. It is akin to a legendary dragon of Helliconia. During the summer season, the young worms take to the skies, gracefully soaring through the air. As the winter descends, the mature worms shed their wings, becoming wingless and finding refuge in an intricate labyrinth of tunnels that sprawl beneath the surface of Helliconia. These tunnels form an extensive network where the wise and weathered worms reside, braving the cold and harsh conditions of the winter season.


The Phagors, also known as ‘ancipitals’ due to their double-edged horns, are humanoid beings covered in white fur, reminiscent of mythical minotaurs. While roughly the same size as humans, they possess distinct characteristics. Their civilization, though intelligent and with its language and culture, has never progressed beyond a hunter-gatherer stage. Originating during Helliconia’s earlier cold period, the Phagors differ from humans in several aspects. Their blood is golden instead of red, their internal organs are arranged differently, with their guts situated above their lungs, and their intellect and psychology are utterly alien. They exhibit hardiness and longevity, yet they struggle with warm conditions and water. As a Phagor ages, it gradually shrinks and undergoes keratinization, resembling a lifeless totem devoid of outward signs of life.

Bone Fever and Fat Death

Bone Fever is a viral affliction that affects Helliconia’s humans, marked by an extreme manifestation of anorexia. It spreads rapidly across the globe during the early stages of the Great Spring. Conversely, Fat Death is another disease characterized by an extreme form of binge eating, which becomes an epidemic during the late stages of the Great Autumn.

Both illnesses inflict significant suffering and have alarmingly high mortality rates. However, those who survive are left with bodies drastically altered in composition. Individuals afflicted by Bone Fever become considerably thinner, while those affected by Fat Death experience excessive weight gain and metabolic changes. Consequently, these survivors become better adapted to the forthcoming conditions of either summer or winter, respectively.

Curiously, both diseases stem from the same virus, which is carried by ticks and activated by seasonal environmental shifts. Humans unknowingly share a symbiotic relationship with the virus and, in turn, with the Phagors who harbour the ticks responsible for transmitting the virus.

Certain individuals in remote areas possess a rare immunity to the virus, rendering them outcasts in society due to their stark deviation from the prevailing physical standards—either grotesquely emaciated or morbidly obese.

The presence of Bone Fever and Fat Death in the world of Helliconia highlights the intricate interplay between humans, the virus, and the Phagors. These afflictions shape the physical and social dynamics of the population, introducing a complex web of adaptation, prejudice, and survival.

Robert Silverberg’s Majipoor Cycle

Throughout the series, Silverberg introduces readers to various fascinating creatures that inhabit this fictional realm. Here are some notable lifeforms from the Majipoor Cycle:


A smallish, somewhat octopus-like race. Many are wizards, and they are known for the direction-finding and healing arts. Some can see the future in a limited way.


A squat, bipedal race with bulging eyes and grey lumpy skin. While unattractive in appearance, they provide the bulk of the bureaucracy that keeps the vast and complex society of Majipoor operating. Some engage in mercantile activities, as well.


A four-armed, shaggy, tall and very strong race. They can be found as cargo-handlers, teamsters and sailing ship crew. A few Skandars take up juggling, and with four arms they are unparalleled at this art. Skandars are known to be obstinate and hot-headed.


Liimen are a three-eyed species characterized by their relatively lower level of intelligence. They primarily engage in menial tasks such as fishing, selling grilled meats, and carrying out janitorial duties within the society of Majipoor.


A mysterious tall folk with two small heads on a single neck. Through an unknown mechanism, both heads share a single consciousness. A few are great sorcerers or advisers to men of power in the government. Some Su-Suheris have psychic powers and are capable of seeing the future. They tend to be fairly aloof, and perhaps consider themselves better than the other races.


The Ghayrogs, a bipedal species with reptilian attributes such as forked tongues and serpentine black hair, are prominent inhabitants of Majipoor. The majority of their population resides in the crystalline city of Dulorn, but Ghayrogs can be encountered in various regions across the planet, with some even holding significant roles within the government. They tend to exhibit minimal emotional expression and require little to no sleep for the majority of the year.

Despite their scaly skin, the Ghayrogs are mammalian beings, distinguished by their intriguing reproductive process of laying eggs. This intriguing blend of reptilian and mammalian characteristics makes the Ghayrogs a unique species within the diverse tapestry of Majipoor.

Piurivar (also called Metamorphs or Shapeshifters)

The original inhabitants of Majipoor were the Shapeshifters, a race that initially resented the arrival of humans and engaged in a long-standing guerrilla conflict. This smouldering war persisted for centuries until Coronal Lord Stiamot took action, gathering and expelling the Metamorphs from Alhanroel, and confining them to a designated reservation on Zimroel. The Shapeshifters, characterized by bipedal forms, flat faces, and green/grey skin, possess a remarkable ability to mimic nearly any bipedal race, rendering themselves virtually indistinguishable from their chosen guise. This shape-shifting prowess greatly aided them in their struggles against early human colonists during Majipoor’s early history.

Wyrms by Orson Scott Card

One of the central creatures in the novel is the Wyrm, a powerful and enigmatic beings who can shape-shift and possess psychic abilities. The Wyrms play a crucial role in the story as they interact with human characters and navigate complex political and social dynamics. Additionally, the novel explores other fantastical elements such as telepathic communication and genetic manipulation.

The planet Imakulata includes races such as the Geblings, Dwelfs & Gaunts, who along with the humans are not native to the planet.


Often referred to as “goblins” by humans, geblings are an intelligent, telepathic species with remarkable powers of recollection. Physically, they resemble short, fur-covered humans with long, flexible, forked tongues. Geblings are always born as twins. Each gebling’s brain contains a crystal-like object known as the mindstone, which stores key memories and thoughts. Upon reaching adulthood, geblings consume the mindstones of their deceased parents, absorbing their ancestors’ most cherished memories as a means of preserving knowledge.


Smaller than geblings, dwelfs have disproportionately small heads and underdeveloped brains, giving them the cognitive capacity of children. They suffer from poor short-term memory, often forgetting details quickly and struggling to retain information.


Gaunts appear as slender, physically attractive humans but are devoid of personal will. They respond telepathically to the strongest desires of those around them, instinctively attempting to fulfil these desires, which often leads to their employment as prostitutes due to their ability to mirror and satisfy others’ needs.

Ribofunk by Paul Di Filippo

Ribofunk envisions a future where genetic information becomes a currency, and human DNA is both a commodity and a source of power. In these stories, Di Filippo examines the societal and cultural shifts that occur when genetic manipulation and biotechnology reshape humanity.

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