An excerpt from the book “The Blood Ring.”
Category: Topix
“Life is 100% fatal.”
Posted on November 27, 2014August 18, 2020 by bill kandiliotis Life is 100% fatal. Let’s keep it that way.-West Shore graffiti
Barbarians within the Gates.
Posted on 2 September, 2014 by Bill Kandiliotis in A Hostile Takeover, Quote, Topix The biggest threat to mankind is not climate change. It is not war. It is anarchy. Prime Executive Jorge Wilson Prime Executive Jorge Wilson Speech made just prior his assassination. I stand before you to address a matter of utmost importance—an issue that has the potential to overshadow … Continue reading Barbarians within the Gates.
Rule 19: HATRED
Avoid contempt and hatred! Hatred can be a very powerful intellectual resource. Give your enemies or allies the opportunity to despise you and you do so at your own peril.
Spiders in the Office
Having a corporate headquarters is not a requirement of the meganational’s existence, and the rule of law governing corporate activities ceases to be applicable once they declare their independence. The headquarters could be moved to an island, or to a ship, or even into a satellite in space for that matter. Even the location of corporate executives … Continue reading Spiders in the Office
Way of the Dog
“The life essence of loyalty is an unbroken promise.”- James Tucker “The life essence of loyalty is an unbroken promise.”– James Tucker Way of the Dog ~James Tucker In a world where promises are sometimes made lightly and broken with ease, the true essence of loyalty shines brightly. It is in those moments when individuals stand … Continue reading Way of the Dog
“This is what THEY want. To continue shackling us with death and taxes. The destruction of Rintexx is evidence of this. They wiped out a commercial breakthrough in stem cell technology that would have made death less certain and now THEY are mobilising to clamp down on any school of economic thought that has the … Continue reading RINTEXX DOWN
“The counterterrorism measures of the past were set up in a vain attempt to thwart a phantom or at best, a scattered enemy. The proverbial terrorist threat that was supposed to threaten our way of life dissipated as the global economic downturn let loose a different breed of bedlam and carnage. Political terrorism never works; … Continue reading Corporaterrorism
‘At which point will Meganat declare itself a sovereign state?’ - Goonsville ‘At a point when international competition laws make it impossible for Meganat to operate, the company will ultimately declare itself a sovereign state.’ - CYFERON ‘How would they claim legitimacy?’ - Goonsville ‘They’ll start by lobbying as many nations as they can. Small … Continue reading Meganat
"Who came up with this system?" - Bubblehead43 "Which system? Legal slavery? The Government!" - Diktator_J "There is no such thing. International law is clear, No one shall be held in slavery or servitude; slavery and the slave trade shall be prohibited in all their forms." - Shadowbark "Dude, human trafficking is the largest industry … Continue reading Shadowbark