Before I became a serial killer, I made a film about one.

The Bad Samaritan

The Bad Samaritan from bill kandiliotis on Vimeo.

Sometime late in 1999, I was planning a series of short films. An actor I approached at the time to be in one, managed to ‘somehow’ convince me to make a feature-length film. “Why not?” he asked. I explained the negatives such as the lack of funding, which meant no big-name cast and little to no crew, and the unlikelihood of selling the finished product. It would have to be a very, very low-budget guerrilla film.

Somehow, a few positives were enough for me to proceed with the project. I had the technical experience (more or less) to complete the film, the 95-180% commitment from my lead actor and cameraman and the fact that I had the total creative freedom to experiment.

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