Post Apocalypto

Post-apocalypse movies have been a popular genre for decades, largely thanks to that 'Mad Max' movie that came out in 1979, a movie that defined the genre. These films depict what the world would be like after a catastrophic event, and how humanity survives or perishes in the aftermath. They often employ a distinct visual … Continue reading Post Apocalypto

Panology of Science Fiction: I

Information Technology Information Technology (IT) is the backbone of the modern digital world, encompassing the use of computers, networks, software, and data systems to store, process, and transmit information. It plays a crucial role in nearly every industry, from manufacturing, healthcare and finance to education and entertainment. IT includes a wide range of fields, such … Continue reading Panology of Science Fiction: I

Panology of Science Fiction: H

History Historiography (or Historiology) is a term that refers to the study of historical writing and its methods of interpretation. In science fiction, historiography plays a significant role in exploring the complexities of the past, present and future of a story. Science fiction authors often use historiography as a world-building tool to create a fictional … Continue reading Panology of Science Fiction: H