User Review – Google Books

A Hostile Takeover Bill Kandiliotis LULU Press, 2014 - Fiction - 572 pages 1 Review The Bluezone: Somewhere deep within this last bastion of democratic society, segregated from the chaotic slums and destitute refugee camps, lurks a technology that could either push civilization further into the abyss, or bring forth its salvation. Struggling to save … Continue reading User Review – Google Books

Book Review: A Hostile Takeover by Bill Kandiliotis Review 3 of 5 Stars I was provided with a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. I never imagined when I started this blog that it would take me a year to get around to reading something, but it has. Nevertheless, this was a really good story. It was action … Continue reading Book Review: A Hostile Takeover by Bill Kandiliotis