In the scorching desert heat, a spirited delivery man ventures into the vast emptiness, unaware of the horrifying fate that awaits him. With his present cargo tightly secured, he has no inkling that within its confines lay a mystery too gruesome to comprehend. And then, as the cargo is unveiled, a ghastly truth is revealed … Continue reading Cargo
Tag: horror
First appeared on Wattpad The sandstorm above had been raging for three days with no end in sight. So intense, the winds toppled vehicles, trucks and all. They eroded away the road leading in and out of the mine, destroying the ramp, even the supertrucks couldn’t scale the man-made canyon. Workers have become sick. They had … Continue reading Hellscape
Excerpt Chapter from the novel, The Blood Ring
Halloween: The Two Evils
In the end, when one encounters a monster, be it a shark or a homicidal terrorist, it doesn't really matter why the monster is doing what's it doing, understanding it is not the issue. Getting away from it and surviving is. But, for an audience, the unknowable, the 'why', is the most scariest aspect of all, and the Halloween series of movies have explored every aspect of this.
The Hate Triangle
An excerpt from the book “The Blood Ring.”
The Fright Machine
Hacking robots can be lots of fun. Celebrating April Ghouls Day at with this flash fiction entry.
An excerpt from the book “The Blood Ring.” “What is the problem?” said Wendy Socorro as she snuggled into the back seat. “It’s two hours before you stream live. You can’t switch stories on me know,” said her producer, Ethan A. Gerencia. The panic in his voice caused his words to sound awkward and out … Continue reading Junknews
Year of the Dog
An excerpt from the book “The Blood Ring.”
An excerpt from the book “The Blood Ring.” “Did ya reset that last Pango before you sold it to the girl?” asked Martin while urinating, standing upright behind a mound of garbage. She finished, pulled up her pants and strolled over to where Rico sat. Rico surveyed the laneway situated adjacent to the B line … Continue reading Scumhackers