Aris Forcer sensed it in every cell in his human body. Another dimension. Another universe. Ever since their ordeal with the tesseract, having survived the gatekeeper, nothing had been the same. Not physics. Not biology. Not logic. Everything was upside down, inside out. But he felt alive, and as much as things were different, many aspects of … Continue reading Chthonic Punk
Tag: adelon
The Forever Slave
“A slave?” asked Aris. “Yes, a slave,” answered Owis, bemused why the Earthman’s facial features had suddenly shrivelled up. “Why in Gaia’s name did you do that?” asked the renegade cop from the human-infested Milky Way. Owis thought it obvious, but explained, “This is the slave capital of the Dark Galaxy.” “And?” “The Kocubani’s last words,” … Continue reading The Forever Slave
Relic Hunters
At the edge of the galactic core, a supercluster of fourteen thousand stars, caught in an asymmetric elliptical orbit around a supermassive black hole, is home to hundreds of extinct civilisations. The pirates of the inner arm embark on an odyssey to raid as many artefacts as they can before the EXO Consortium locks down the entire Sector. What Silv and the crew of the Vitalis Express uncover on a far and remote ice planet, is a grave... mistake.
Draconis Prime
A hive mind assassin hunts down a fugitive to the far-flung unexplored Draconis Sector. What it encounters will test its resolve and loyalty.
The Tesseract
An ancient artefact is discovered. Three diverse individuals seek it. Ten trillion lives hang in the balance.