Panology of Science Fiction: H

History Historiography (or Historiology) is a term that refers to the study of historical writing and its methods of interpretation. In science fiction, historiography plays a significant role in exploring the complexities of the past, present and future of a story. Science fiction authors often use historiography as a world-building tool to create a fictional … Continue reading Panology of Science Fiction: H

Ideagraphy: The ultimate writer toolkit for mobiles

Transitioning from your laptop to mobile devices can make novel writing a bit tricky, especially when it comes to syncing your work. However, having the right tools with robust export functionality can make this process seamless. Below are some of the best apps for Android and Apple devices to help you structure and plan your … Continue reading Ideagraphy: The ultimate writer toolkit for mobiles

Panology of Science Fiction: F

Finance For many readers, the field of economics might seem like dry, analytical territory, a realm of graphs, supply curves, and impenetrable jargon. And let’s be honest: most literary enthusiasts, and even a fair number of science fiction fans, probably tune out at the mention of GDPs or fiscal policy. Yet, when wielded thoughtfully, economics … Continue reading Panology of Science Fiction: F

Gods of Wokeness

The golden age is over. Works of art are no longer produced to quench a bored populace, who thirst for the type of content that frees them from their mundane lives, enhancing their outlook on life with fascinating stories, old and new, inspiring them to understand their lives and the world they live in. Post-2016, … Continue reading Gods of Wokeness

Daybreak over the Valley

The first chapter of the novel, No Absolution What cat? In the darkness, you are flying. You feel motion, yet you are sitting at a table, opposite a dirty, unshaven guy pointing a burning cigarette at you. I know this person. When an angry Bruce Harvey says, “Where’s my cat, fucker?” you conclude it’s a … Continue reading Daybreak over the Valley

Panology of Science Fiction: E

Engineering A good science fiction story should be able to predict not the automobile but the traffic jamFrederik Pohl Photo by ThisIsEngineering on It was stories about the ‘mad scientist’ that kicked off genre literature, ever since Daedalus fabricated wings from feathers and wax for himself and his son Icarus. Invention is the heart of … Continue reading Panology of Science Fiction: E

Panology of Science Fiction: D

Disease (Pathology) Whether it's curing existing diseases or encountering new ones, a bit or a lot of pathology doesn’t hurt a story or make for a bad plot device. Injecting fear and dread into any scenario can be as easy as prescribing an epidemiologist or two. The scope in speculating future diseases can again be endless, e.g. microbial, … Continue reading Panology of Science Fiction: D