Gods of Wokeness

The golden age is over. Works of art are no longer produced to quench a bored populace, who thirst for the type of content that frees them from their mundane lives, enhancing their outlook on life with fascinating stories, old and new, inspiring them to understand their lives and the world they live in. Post-2016, … Continue reading Gods of Wokeness

The Fantasy Federation of Europe

It is sad to watch a great nation bludgeon another weaker nation, a supposed ally and friend, into submission and humiliation, especially when both sides are at fault over a debt situation that has spiralled out of control. Yes, Greek voters did take the easy path since the 1970s. I myself remember arguing against further … Continue reading The Fantasy Federation of Europe

Supernations, Mega City-States and Virtual Countries

Writing science fiction gives an author the opportunity to have a go at predicting the future. For me, the best tool I always find helpful is this; in order to build a world in which to set the novel, you start by going back into history. 'To see the future, one must look into the past' and follow … Continue reading Supernations, Mega City-States and Virtual Countries