
‘At which point will Meganat declare itself a sovereign state?’ - Goonsville ‘At a point when international competition laws make it impossible for Meganat to operate, the company will ultimately declare itself a sovereign state.’ - CYFERON ‘How would they claim legitimacy?’ - Goonsville ‘They’ll start by lobbying as many nations as they can. Small … Continue reading Meganat

The City State

“The modern trend towards city states during the past fifty years is mostly due to the demand for a simpler and broader trading system. It originated with the formation of an economic model that bypassed the hindrances of a myriad free trade agreements.” Frank Tucker - CEO of MercurEx The_City_State ^3xtract0r^TopFeeder^^CORE

Why we have five internets

“This is why we have five Internet platforms right now. When hacker/pirates created the Angry Tree Protocol it hamstrung the original Cobweb. Two secure, private networks emerged from the anarchy. One using optical technology, the other satellite based, they tried to monetise information to the point of squeezing the average citizen out of the educational … Continue reading Why we have five internets

Economy of War

The depression has endured for 22 years; fuelled by ecological wars brought on by extreme climate change, i.e. drought and flooding. Now, as the nadir of the ninth recession grips the world, the warring parties have finally run out of hard currency. Officially, all the warring factions are still at war, but technically, their military campaigns have … Continue reading Economy of War

The Obliteration of the Brand

“96.3 percent of commercial brands were wiped out during the first ten years of the depression.” Holographon source: The_Obliteration_of_the_Brand^Holographon^^CORE The thirty years of economic recession have had profound consequences on businesses and industries, decimating commercial brands, leading to a staggering decline of 96.3 per cent. During a prolonged economic recession, businesses often struggle to maintain … Continue reading The Obliteration of the Brand