Be adventurous! Always try to be impetuous rather than overcautious.Audacity wins respect.Respect wins loyalty.Loyalty equals power.Real Power.25 Rules for the Modern Uberman - James Tucker Get The Book A Hostile Takeover: A Novel by Bill Kandiliotis
Category: 25 Rules for the Modern Uberman
Avoid complacency! Always be prepared for the storm.25 Rules for the Modern Uberman – James Tucker GET THE BOOK
Be shrewd in seeking advice. Advice is only as good as the person who seeks it.
Rule 22: Win Loyalty
Treat loyalty as though it were a currency. Power based on lesser currencies is easy to come by and even easier to lose. Power based on a hard currency backed by loyalty is difficult to achieve, but once it is, makes you invincible. Remember, loyalty and honour work as a two-way street. Give it. Take … Continue reading Rule 22: Win Loyalty
Rule 21: Neutrality
There is never a neutral role or action you can take. Every decision you make will either hinder or help you. Even doing nothing can have a positive or negative effect.
Fortresses can be advantageous and disadvantageous. They are good because you’re in a castle. It’s a safe place to be. They are bad because you’re in a castle. You’re stuck there. If you’re a defender on the inside make sure you are not hatred in there. If however, you’re attacking from the outside don’t try … Continue reading Rule 20: FORTRESSES
Rule 19: HATRED
Avoid contempt and hatred! Hatred can be a very powerful intellectual resource. Give your enemies or allies the opportunity to despise you and you do so at your own peril.
Rule 18: HONOUR
Honour your word always! But only if it doesn’t put you in a disadvantaged position!
Rule 17: FEAR vs. LOVE
You cannot control whether people love you. You can only control whether they fear you or not. Rely on what you can control.
Don’t ever give away anything that belongs to you. It only weakens you. If you must, take from one party and give it generously to another.