Silvertroll: Artwork

Book Cover Art & Design Book covers are an essential element in the marketing of a book. They need to capture the reader’s attention and convey the essence of the story. With the advancements in technology, designers have access to various tools to create eye-catching covers. One of these tools is the Deep Dream Generator. The … Continue reading Silvertroll: Artwork

Demigod (Part 1 – Hera’s Wrath)

All myths and legends are connected to reality in some way, rooted in truth primarily as a storytelling technique employed by ancient and modern societies in an attempt to understand the universe around them, and to explain and justify things like morality, virtues, suffering, death, love, and war. From King Perseus of Argos to Achilles, … Continue reading Demigod (Part 1 – Hera’s Wrath)

Ideagraphy: The ultimate writer toolkit for mobiles

Transitioning from your laptop to mobile devices can make novel writing a bit tricky, especially when it comes to syncing your work. However, having the right tools with robust export functionality can make this process seamless. Below are some of the best apps for Android and Apple devices to help you structure and plan your … Continue reading Ideagraphy: The ultimate writer toolkit for mobiles

Panology of Science Fiction: F

Finance For many readers, the field of economics might seem like dry, analytical territory, a realm of graphs, supply curves, and impenetrable jargon. And let’s be honest: most literary enthusiasts, and even a fair number of science fiction fans, probably tune out at the mention of GDPs or fiscal policy. Yet, when wielded thoughtfully, economics … Continue reading Panology of Science Fiction: F

Gods of Wokeness

The golden age is over. Works of art are no longer produced to quench a bored populace, who thirst for the type of content that frees them from their mundane lives, enhancing their outlook on life with fascinating stories, old and new, inspiring them to understand their lives and the world they live in. Post-2016, … Continue reading Gods of Wokeness