The Paper Unicorns are a highly secretive faction of interdimensional rebels in the Ash Falcyon universe, known for their resistance to the powerful Helixo Corporation. Originally a group of Helixo employees, the Paper Unicorns turned against the corporation when they uncovered the disturbing plans of Dr Callum Robe, the enigmatic founder of Helixo. Robe intended to exploit alternate dimensions for profit, reshaping entire worlds to fit his vision and expanding Helixo’s dominance across the multiverse.
The Paper Unicorns, disillusioned by Helixo’s ruthless objectives, defected to protect these dimensions and keep interdimensional secrets from falling into corporate hands.
The Paper Unicorns began as a coalition of top Helixo scientists, engineers, and explorers. During their work on dimensional exploration projects, they were among the first to see the devastating effects of interdimensional exploitation: entire ecosystems disrupted, cultures destabilized, and dimensions mined for resources to the brink of collapse. These employees began to question their role in Robe’s plans and attempted to argue against further incursions.
However, Robe’s ambitions were absolute. Realizing the futility of persuading the Helixo leadership, the group organized a covert rebellion. They stole key Helixo technologies, including blueprints for dimensional traversal, encryption codes, and early prototypes of the Dimensional Vortex Stabilizers, essential for interdimensional stability. After their defection, they adopted the moniker “Paper Unicorns,” symbolizing fragility yet resilience in their resistance to an otherwise unstoppable corporation.
Technology and Operations
Using modified versions of Helixo’s technology, the Paper Unicorns developed their own methods for travelling across dimensions with minimal disruption. They excel at maintaining stealth and avoiding detection, and their skill in blending into local realities is unmatched. Their signature technology, the Dimensional Displacement Nodes, allows them to phase in and out of dimensions, leaving virtually no trace.
Additionally, they created dimensional “safe zones,” pockets of space where Helixo’s influence cannot penetrate. The Paper Unicorns are known to possess a trove of interdimensional knowledge, particularly ancient documents and artifacts detailing the origins and interconnectedness of the multiverse. This knowledge gives them a unique insight into the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of Helixo’s conquest plans. However, their tech and information are used sparingly; they are acutely aware that overuse risks alerting Helixo forces to their whereabouts. Rebellion and Conflict with Helixo Under Dr Callum Robe’s leadership, Helixo’s response to the Paper Unicorn rebellion was swift and merciless. Branded as terrorists, the Paper Unicorns became prime targets of the Helixo security divisions, especially the Wraiths—elite agents tasked with eradicating dissent across dimensions.
Despite being hunted, the Paper Unicorns continued their resistance, rallying other dissidents and refugees from Helixo’s incursions to their cause. They set up covert networks, assisting those who sought to flee Helixo’s control or resist from within. The Paper Unicorns are believed to have stolen the Helixo Protocol Chip, a powerful artifact that holds the master access codes to Helixo’s dimensional network. In the hands of someone like Ash Falcyon, the Protocol Chip could unravel Helixo’s grip across dimensions. However, locating the Paper Unicorns and earning their trust remains a near-impossible feat, as they operate in secrecy and with utmost caution.
Symbols and Influence
The Paper Unicorns are recognizable by their unique graffiti tags of stylized unicorns. This graffiti appears on walls in contested dimensions as a message of hope for the oppressed and a warning to Helixo operatives. These symbols have inspired rebellion in various pockets of the multiverse, earning the Paper Unicorns an almost mythic status among those who oppose Helixo.
Legacy Over time, the Paper Unicorns have become symbols of resistance and the fight for autonomy across dimensions. While their numbers remain small, their impact resonates through the dimensions they’ve saved or liberated. To the Helixo, they represent a dangerous unknown, an enemy that understands the multiverse’s secrets and dares to defy corporate rule. To those like Ash Falcyon, they are a beacon of hope, holding the knowledge that may one day lead him to his lost wife, Jekka, and bring Helixo’s reign to an end. The Paper Unicorns remain hidden but are vital players in the multiverse’s intricate power struggle, risking everything to protect the dimensions from exploitation and serve as a reminder that even the most fragile creatures can be fierce guardians of freedom.